Konig News

Behind The Wheel Podcast: – HOW TO GET YOUR CAR FEATURED?!

One of our most FAQ’s we get across our social media is “How can I get my car featured?”. In this podcast, Jared (Konig Wheels, Marketing Coordinator) and Luis (Konig Wheels, Marketing/Media Specialist) talk about some of tips and tricks you could use to get your car featured on the some of your favorite automotive platforms. You do not want to miss this one!

And please, if you like the podcast and what we’ve been doing here, please SUBSCRIBE! We’re on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and we always put the full video interviews on our YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/konigwheels)

(we’d love if you subscribe there as well!) Thank you for listening!



Konig’s Instagram: @konigwheelsusa

Scott’s Instagram: @scott_konig

Jared’s Instagram: @wheelandtorque


More on the Konig Behind The Wheel Podcast and to SUBSCRIBE:
