Konig News

JandJRacing NASA PTE Miata #58

After a seemingly long wait, the day finally came.  The time for checking and double checking is over. It is time to race! The qualifying session was crowded but fast allowing everyone to play nice earning us a  5th  place on starting grid. Starting 5th from front is a huge advantage with minimal lap traffic and clean air. The 4 cars in front of me and 3 cars behind me are in PTE also, making for an interesting start.

After squeezing the life out of the Miata it had yielded a much deserved 3rd place.  It’s a warm feeling that comes over any racer when they podium a race, it is a sense of belonging to something greater than racing. It is hard to explain. The car was going home in one piece which is always a good thing after a day of wheel to wheel racing! ” I would do anything to reach 1st place, but I haven’t earned it yet. I have much to learn, as does my crew, so we will continue to do so until the end.”

Next race is June 14th at Summit Point Hyperfest. It is the biggest event of the year for the NASA organization. Hyperfest has got so much to offer the modern car enthusiast that every year gets better. It is a televised and sponsored event supported by the teams, the spectators and some of the biggest industry names.

Jeff Seldomridge JandJRacing will be there and with any luck we will get podium again.