Konig News


In this episode of the Behind The Wheel Podcast, Scott (Konig Wheels , Marketing Director), Myke Sabounchi (Director of Audience Growth for Driving Line) give you insight on content creating within the automotive industry, what type of value you should bring to sponsorship as well as plenty of tips for automotive content creators and businesses trying to position themselves.

Mike brings with him a unique viewpoint with an extensive automotive resume. Previously Mike served as an editor for Super Street Magazine, worked on their Digital / Social content, then he moved on to work with Hoonigan before arriving at Driving Line. Driving Line is one of the agencies for Nitto Tire. This vast mix of marketing and automotive-related positions is something that brings a great deal of substance tho this episode.

We hope you enjoyed the podcast! If you want to see more in-depth coverage on any topic we spoke about or other related subjects, just let us know!

The full audio version is live on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher right now!

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Wheel Offset podcast

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Scott Weiss: @scott_konig

Mykal Sabounchi: @mykalfakerich

Driving Line YouTube: Driving Line