Konig News

Dennis Mertzanis Recap – West Palm Beach

This is a recap of Formula Drift West Palm Beach that came from the KÖNIG Drift Driver Dennis Mertzanis.


West Palm Beach, Fl – Well, this event was interesting. As you guys may or may not know, the track configuration was revealed before the event. After EOS and Pfeiffer hit the wall, spraying debris into the crowd, the course was changed to a more suitable layout. It was a Road Atlanta entry and the course lasted about 15 seconds in total. I thought it was pretty fun.

During practice, I was doing pretty happy with my runs. I would go in deep and ebrake. Before you get to the clip you’re back on the throttle to blast past the first clip. You pitch it left and stab the brakes to transition it hard AND to slow the car down for the right turn. Drift it out to the outer zone at full lock and full throttle in and out of the course. Thursday I was getting it pretty good.

I was excited about qualifying on Friday because I was feeling good. I got to the track and setup. I didn’t make any changes to the car because it was good Thursday night. During Friday practice the car was a little shaky but I didn’t have a spotter to help me get back on track with my runs. I get to qualifying and royally screw it up. I scored a 55 on my first run and 41 on the second. Missed the cut by one, was 33rd. Oh well, I’m getting communications equipment and a spotter. This Mickey Mouse game is over, its getting real now. But I cannot speak for Sean, he loves this stuff.
Image and content courtesy of Wrecked Mag